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Book 'n Box!
Two Arexx scripts for OpalPaint v1.1 by Carmen Rizzolo - 11/13/92
These scripts are nearly useless. They're a nice novelty (Brag
how fast you can draw a book, and make bets! :) ) and it was a nice way
for me to get my feet wet with using OpalPaint with Arexx.
The Box script was merely a spawning from the Book script. And
it's even more useless than the Book script!
-- INSTALLATION -----------------------------------------------------
Carefully copy the two scripts (Book.oprx and Box.oprx) into your
Rexx: directory. If you're using Workbench 2.0 and don't know where
your Rexx: directory is, you'll find it doubles are your S:
directory. I made a seperate drawer and altered the assignment
because I've got lots 'o Arexx scripts and I didn't want to clutter
my S: directory.
Then, in OpalPaint 1.x, click on the "Arexx Control" button in
the Extras area. Click on a field and enter "Book.oprx" in one, and
"Box.oprx" in another. Then when you're back in paint mode, hit
Amiga- Fn (Or whatever F-key you assigned the script to) and just
follow the intructions. Couldn't be easier! Have fun!
-- A WORD ABOUT SHADOWS ---------------------------------------------
I took special attention on the part of the script(s) that deal
with drawing a drop shadow. In most cases, Only a portion of the
drop shadow is visible when the drawing is complete. So ONLY THAT
PORTION is drawn, unless the shadow is so far away that the object
doesn't doesn't overlap. This is a bit of a time saver.
Unless I looking hard enough, there isn't a way for Arexx to
alter the Transparency percentage (Someone PLEEEZ tell me what it
is if they find it!). So before you activate the script(s),
you might want to manually go in there and adjust it to taste.
I like it around 75. The default of 50 is a little too salty for me.
Carmen Rizzolo